If the red poppies heads are widely revealed in my performance it is because it is an essential component within my problematics and hence my struggle. They express a sense of beauty, of the harmony of each body however it is. They must also display the whole liberty of women in their decisions, tastes, and wishes. The freedom of behavior, of appearances and of ambitions. Those poppies heads are involved to denounce the objectified woman. The image of the sexual object or the image of the desired and seductive object decrease the woman into that dehumanized “thing”. They aspire to break the chains that detain the woman into a codified society of clichés, that prevent her to be fully fulfilled in her life. The poppy is the vaginal flower. I restore the women desire at the core of sexuality itself. The poppy allows me to raise a questioning about the humankind. Where is located the humanity in nature and in nowadays society? Thus, it enables to bring together the matter of humankind and nature so they, consequently, can seem like one. This flower is humanity’s essence of its condition, a creation of nature. The humankind is not part of the ecosystem. He is an ecosystem.